Friday, 11 November 2016

Top 4 Best SMS Spy App Brands of 2016

Want to find out who your partner is texting with the whole time while you aren’t looking? Or curious about your child’s sudden silence and preference to sulk in her room with her phone in hand? Whether these situations warrant urgent solutions is all up to you. However, having a cell phone spy app can help relieve your mind from the wonder. Here are the top 4 best SMS spy app brands you might want to consider.

1.       Highster Mobile - Highster Mobile offers tracking for Apple, Android, Blackberry, Symbian, Nokia and Windows Phone devices. This makes it one of the most devices covered for the purpose of monitoring.

Other notable features of this brand include the ability to record and spy any cell phone conversations especially the ones made during calls. What makes it best in SMS monitoring is its capacity to track sent and received messages as well as those which were already deleted from the target phone. Also, it comes with the ability to access phone functions such as Camera and Power button in case the target phone gets lost.

2.       mSpy - This brand comes as second best mainly because it covers limited tracking ability especially in the case of selected Nokia devices. However, what sets this brand at an advantage compared to Highster Mobile is its ability to block sites on the target phone, a feature which is yet to be developed by the latter if it doesn’t want to be outranked by mSpy tracking app. Along with Highster Mobile, this brand is one of the best spy software for iPhone 5 and other higher versions of iOS.

3.       Auto Forward - Auto Forward also comes with advanced SMS monitoring features though it has some issues with higher OS versions of iPhone devices. Overall, this brand has excellent telephone support with a one-time fee.

4.       FlexiSpy - This brand is a powerful tracking app although it isn’t available yet for Blackberry and Symbian devices. But in terms of monitoring, it has a powerful tracking interface and covers most IM platforms such as Whatsapp, LINE, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Snapchat, Google Hangouts, BBM, iMessage, Yahoo Messenger, QQ, Kik and a whole lot more.

Make sure to check the features of the brand of your choice carefully in order not to get trapped into a deal that could run for months to an end. Choosing the right spy app brand requires proper understanding of its functions, features, payment options as well as its benefits.

Mobile Spy World is a home to reviews and opinions about your favorite spy app brand. Don’t forget to read through the categories and check more information about the software of your choice to gain more knowledge and opinion about it.

Tags: best sms spy app, spy any cell phone, best spy software for iphone 5 

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